Effective January 1, 2024, community associations may conduct board and member meetings entirely by teleconference, meaning without a physical location. However, certain requirements must be met in order to meet entirely by teleconference. Overview Currently, in order to conduct a meeting via teleconference, the Open Meeting Act requires an association also designate a “physical location […]
Or, Sometimes Judges Get it Wrong. A surprising decision was recently published by the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeal (LNSU #1, LLC v. Alta Del Mar Coastal Collection Community Association). The case involved an interesting interpretation of the definition of “board meeting” and arguably dispensed with the requirement that board deliberations be conducted in […]
Even though HOA election laws were last updated in January 2022, many are still understandably confused by the complicated statutory procedure required to elect directors without balloting when a board of directors election is uncontested (the number of candidates does not exceed the number of open seats on the board). An HOA can save considerable […]
We talk a lot about the fines and other penalties associations can impose on members who violate the governing documents. What about the fines and penalties which can be imposed on associations? Associations that violate certain Civil Code sections may have to pay monetary penalties or fines (typically called “civil penalties”) in addition to paying […]
Are You Behind on the “Balcony Bill” Requirements? The “Balcony Bill” (otherwise known as Civil Code §5551) has been a hot topic since it was codified in 2019. Some are tired of hearing about it. Others believe there is no rush – there is still plenty of time! While the initial inspections do not have […]
Hearing Notices 101 Hearing notices are simple, right? Just include the date, time, and place and you’re good to go! Not so fast… Do you remember the five W’s: Who, What, Where, When, and Why? A hearing notice that does not include all of this information could result in an unenforceable disciplinary action, including the […]
Effective January 1, 2020, there will be significant changes to the laws governing homeowner association elections. With the passage of California Senate Bill 323, Civil Code sections 5100, 5105, 5110, 5115, 5125, 5145, 5200 are amended and section 5910.1 has been added. Contact us at (925) 926-1200 with any questions regarding these complex new requirements […]
On January 1, 2020, a new law takes effect that will have significant financial and legal impact on all California community associations. Signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom last weekend, SB 323 (Wieckowski) overhauls the process of conducting most homeowner association elections and member votes. Associations will need to budget for additional election costs […]
New association client? Congratulations! Here’s a list of documents you need in order to serve your associations with distinction.
When it comes to architectural applications, timing is everything. Owners are often on tight deadlines with regard to obtaining permits and hiring contractors.